Tip for
Problem 3
casting process (of the ones discussed in class) would you use to produce the
part shown below? Assume you have a one year contract to produce 3500 parts per
month and that a small amount of finish work to be done by the customer is

To help you prepare the answer consider the following.
- What is casting?
- What is required to make a
good casting?
- How do these processes allow
one to make a good casting?
- How are the processes
- How are the processes
- What are the advantages and
disadvantages of each?
- Which casting processes would
you automatically reject? Why?
- A small amount of finish work
means that the cast part can be further processed so that the required
dimensions are achieved, but that this further processing will not be
- You may cut, paste, and edit
any part of problem 1 or problem
2 which is relevant.