Brazing and Soldering



1.     Be able to compare (similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages) between joining process categories: brazing, soldering, and welding.

2.     Be able to compare (similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages) between different joining within each of the following process categories: brazing, soldering, and welding.

3.     Be able to connect the scientific principles, engineering challenges, and non-technical (business, safety etc) for each process and process category.



ð        The very beginning of Chapter 30 is excellent, however the difference between brazing and soldering is not the 450C/840F threshold. We will discuss this is the presentation. Examine Figure 30.3 carefully – we will discuss why the interface can be stronger in a brazed joint as shown. However, I would just skim the rest of Section 30.1 as it makes you aware of some of the challenges with manual brazing. Table 30.1 and the associated text supports what we will discuss as the reason for the arbitrary (and not complete) temperature criterion to differentiate brazing from soldering. As you read Section 30.1.3 Pay particular attention to the use of brazing paste in Figure 30.5, but only focus on torch, furnace and resistance brazing. Think of how to compare these with the welding processes and later the soldering processes. While the introduction the Section 30.2 is excellent except for the focus on the arbitrary temperature criterion, ignore section 30.2.1 and as you read section 30.2.2 only focus on Soldering Fluxes, and Table 30.2, which will serve the same purpose as Table 30.1. Ignore the paragraph on Solders (there are too many mistakes and claims that could lead to misconceptions). The figures showing joint design are not relevant.

ð        You Tube video on Brazing versus Welding is one of the best I have seen and should be reviewed. The You Tube Video describing Brazing and Soldering shows how furnace brazing can be used to increase productivity. This video also mentions the difference between Brazing and Soldering based on intermetallics vs solid-solutions.


Presentation and Basic Notes