Bulk Processing Module



1.     Be able to compare (similarities and differences, advantages and disadvantages) between the various bulk processes: forging, rolling, bending, shearing, extrusion, drawing and deep drawing.

2.     Be able to connect the scientific principles, engineering challenges, and non-technical (business, safety etc) for each process


š        Text Sections. The first two paragraphs of Chapter 17 are a great overview. Other modules in this course will focus on material properties. Please pay careful attention to Figure 17.1 and the accompanying text. It is important to differentiate between bulk and sheet processing. Please pay careful attention to the sloppy use of the term drawing. The sheet metal process called drawing will be referred to as deep drawing, and although wire drawing is the most common process – pulling material through a die, we will refer to all pulling through a die processes as drawing.   Sections 17.2-17.6 are beyond the scope of this course, and may not be completely correct. The introduction to Chapter 18 is excellent. However as you read Sections 18.1, 18.3, 18.5, and 18.6 ignore references to true-stress and true-strain, in the presentation and basic class notes I converted the relevant formulae to properties obtainable from an engineering stress-strain curve. As you read Chapter 19, please note that all references to drawing should be labeled “deep-drawing”.

š        The following videos from the text. The hot forging video is a good introduction to the forging process. As you view this, note the sequence of steps – especially those associated with finish forging. Try to relate finish forging to the role of the riser in casting. The open die forging video, shows how some parts formed by casting could be prepared for further machining. Again focus on the steps and the nearer-net-shape produced. I need to look at the overall forging video in more detail, I am not certain the connection to microstructure is correct. The bending video shows not only the current practices but a concise and accurate analysis of the engineering considerations associated with bending. The Shearing video, provides an excellent overview of cutting but all references to the slip plane are wrong. The basic forming video focusing on cutting and forming techniques. Metal formability as it relates to sheet metal forming is a good overview but note what they call drawing, we call deep drawing. The YouTube Video on Aluminum Extrusion shows how extrusion occurs, please focus on pushing through a die, not aging etc. The YouTube video on Steel Rolling focuses on m-rolling and is good.

š        Sheet Metal Forming Experience Provided for Freshmen at Kettering. Focus not only on how the processes relate to bulk processing in general, but on the details of the procedures. You may want to compare these to your notes from the reading and the videos. You may want to refer to these later in the course when ISO and Safety are discussed.


Presentation and Basic Notes